A Hard Working Fleet

E&E Foods, Inc. operates a fleet of tenders, a landing craft, an at-sea processor, and a freighter throughout Alaska. This combination of work boats allows us to maximize production efficiency and quality, and get our product to customers faster.
Our fleet is managed by Mark Caylor. Mark is responsible for recruiting, managing and communicating with our fishermen and tenders. Email Mark
p/v Cape Greig
Function: At-Sea Processor
Daily production capacity: 300,000 lbs.
Wild Sockeye Harvest: Bristol Bay, June thru July
Wild Chum Salmon Harvest: Kotzebue Sound, July thru August
Product Mix: H&G Salmon, Frozen Salmon Roe
Home Port: Seattle, Washington

m/v Seabird
Function: Freighter/Tender
Hold capacity: 500,000 lbs. finished product
Tender capacity: 100,000 lbs.
Wild Sockeye Harvest: Ugashik, June thru July
Wild Chum Salmon Harvest: Kotzebue Sound, July thru August
Home Port: Seattle, Washington
Interesting fact: The Seabird was the largest 'actor' to
appear in the 1955 hit film, Mr. Roberts,
co-starring with Henry Fonda, James Cagney,
Jack Lemmon and William Powell.

m/v Jeannie J
Function: Landing Craft
Daily Capacity: 100,000 lbs.
Wild Sockeye Harvest: Coffee Point, June - July
Wild Pink Salmon Harvest: Kenai, August
Home Port: Kenai, Alaska

m/v Beagle
Function: Tender
Tender Capacity: 40,000 lbs.
Wild Sockeye Harvest: Ugashik, June thru July
Home Port: Kenai, Alaska
Interesting Fact: The Beagle is the smallest of the famous “Dog” fleet.